Gaia guest house

Gaia guest house

When the world seems impossibly complicated and you don’t know what to do or believe, take a break so you can nurture tranquility, your inner balance and visit your one true friend Mother Earth. She is always there to help you find a self-loving and supportive path through scarcity into abundance.

I don’t have a garden, so I bought Gaia Guest House to connect.
-Annie, Bangkok

Heart haven

Heart haven

If your world is changing so fast that you’re close to overwhelm or overload, slow down and breathe deeply while aligning with the calm nature of Mother Earth. When you do, your heart and mind will unify into your new balance point so you can understand how to proceed in your unique way, in the perfect cosmic timing whenever you choose.

Tourmaline takeaway

Tourmaline takeaway

If you are finding it hard to maintain your energy levels, feel scattered or caught up in drama, its time to reclaim your balance by aligning with the empowering energies of Tourmaline. Feel your thoughts, feelings and body align with your inner peace and personal truth, helping you restore your centeredness, understand what you think and feel, and build upon it.